The xTool S1 40W is the most impressive and safest laser I’ve reviewed so far. It can cut wood up to 20mm thick and engrave at 36,000mm/minute or 600mm/s. And the laser module can move up and down on a motorised z-axis, which combined with its built-in touch probe provides auto-focus and a few other clever tricks. Its integrated enclosure can only operate with the lid closed … [Read more...]
Ortur Laser Master 3 detailed review | Powerful, fast engraver & cutter
The Ortur Laser Master 3 laser cutter and engraver has a 10W diode laser that Ortur claims can engrave at speeds of up to an impressive 20,000 mm/min and cut wood up to 19mm thick. It has WiFi built in and an accompanying very capable smartphone app that can create custom projects and send them directly to the engraver wirelessly. I’ll run through all its features and fully … [Read more...]
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